He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Kunst and Alterthum

среда, 23 марта 2011 г.


The following students will take part at the conference:
1. Соколова Мария
2. Цыганова Радмила
3. Кулешова Наталья
4. Тузикова Оксана
5. Кортелев Эдуард
You should:
1. edit your reports: add the list of literature at the end, add references in the text, i.e.
To do business worldwide you need to understand a country's culture [1,12].
1-number of this book in the literature list, 12-number of the page where you found this information.
1. Barry Tomalin and Mike Nicks, the World business cultures and how to unlock them, Thorogood Publishing. - London, 2007. - p.200
2. Hand in your reports to Чекун Ольга Алексеевна (зав.кафедрой, 203 кабинет)
3. Prepare PP presentations
4. Prepare your speech and learn it by heart (speak for 5-7 minutes)

Those who don't take part at the conference should be ready to present their reports at English lesson.
Everyone must be present at the conference!
You must come by 9.30. Group 38, we won't have English classes on Monday.
See you!

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