1. Соколова Мария
2. Цыганова Радмила
3. Кулешова Наталья
4. Тузикова Оксана
5. Кортелев Эдуард
You should:
1. edit your reports: add the list of literature at the end, add references in the text, i.e.
To do business worldwide you need to understand a country's culture [1,12].
1-number of this book in the literature list, 12-number of the page where you found this information.
1. Barry Tomalin and Mike Nicks, the World business cultures and how to unlock them, Thorogood Publishing. - London, 2007. - p.200
2. Hand in your reports to Чекун Ольга Алексеевна (зав.кафедрой, 203 кабинет)
3. Prepare PP presentations
4. Prepare your speech and learn it by heart (speak for 5-7 minutes)
Everyone must be present at the conference!
You must come by 9.30. Group 38, we won't have English classes on Monday.
See you!
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