He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Kunst and Alterthum

четверг, 2 сентября 2010 г.

Web research task / Writing a CV

Find at least three more pieces of good advice about writing a CV to add to this list:
  1.  Don't write your CV by hand. Use a computer word processor.
  2.  Check your spelling and grammar very carefully. Mistakes make the whole CV look bad.
Web search key words
  • good CV

10 комментариев:

  1. 1.Don't put uninteresting information,that won't interest your employer.
    2. Try to make your CV compact,put the main information.
    3. Be honest,writing your CV. =)

  2. 1. Your CV should be easy to read and attractive
    2. CV should be accurate in content, spelling and grammar.
    3.CV should be informative but concise

  3. 1.Your CV should be intelligible and creative
    2.It must be literate
    3.CV should be your face which you want to show with the better side!

  4. 1.Your CV should be truthful.
    2.CV should be rich in content.
    3. And Your CV should be shot and finished.

  5. 1) Write well structured information about your experience, skills, language knowledge and potential.

    2) Mention Awards,Honors.

    3) Mention Computer skills.

    4) Show a range of interests, esp. relevant to the job.

    5) If you have a letter of introduction, apply it.

    In general your CV must stand out from the rest.

  6. 1)Your CV must be restructured and rewritten, or at least reviewed, for each specific purpose for which it is to be used.

    2)You must make two versions of your CV - one, a short summary of your training and experience and the other, a longer version with more detailed information about your publications and presentations.

    3)Your CV should detail any positions of responsibility, as well as accomplishments or significant involvement in extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, student organisations, professional bodies or volunteer work.

    4)Spell any difficult to pronounce words phonetically (to avoid interviewer embarrassment) e.g. names, universities etc.

    5)Include any foreign languages you speak including your level of competency.

    6)Every word counts on your CV so when describing your achievements, try using strong action words which can convey in one word, the strength of your experience and its implications for the future.

    7)No matter how many accomplishments you list, you won't impress anyone if they can't quickly pick out two or three good reasons to choose you over someone else. Let your CV help you put your best foot forward.

  7. Dont'be too nervous during an interview with your future boss
    Do not underestimate your ambitions
    Try to avoid mentioning badlucks in your CV
    Be honest, but not foolish
    Remember about rivalry on the labour market
    Trust, but check
    Mention your achievements during college (university) times
    And don't trust anyone...People can not be trusted

  8. 1. Your CV should be logically ordered
    2. Your CV should cover no more than two sides of A4 paper.
    3. In CV put yourself over confidently and highlight your strong points.

  9. When you write your CV it is necessary to write the letter of motivation. This is a scheme of writing it:
    1. Note the vacancy which you like most and where you have learnt about this vacancy.
    2. Write about why you are interested in vacancy and why you would like to work in the company
    3. Note what your skills and experience correspond to the requirements of this vacancy
    4. You can finish the letter whith a phrase about possibility to come on interview, giving to the employer time and place option.
